Downloadable Resources
All filled forms to be sent on mail here:
Registration Forms
Loan Application Forms
How do I withdraw from the sacco?
A member needs to inform the Sacco in writing of his intention to withdraw. This is done by filling a withdrawal form. A notice of sixty days (60) is required in case of any refunds due to the member.
How do i qualify for a loan?
One has to have saved regularly for three months, have guarantors who are our members and have savings with us or use collateral as guarantor. If it is asset loan, no guarantor is required.
How long do i wait for the loan to be approved?
An emergency loan is processed immediately and released subject to meeting the relevant conditions. Normal loans require approval of the management. Asset loans may be approved in the management committee but disbursed subject to availability of funds in the laid down disbursement schedule. Some loans may take long before disbursement especially asset loans due to various reasons.
Can i apply for another loan if i am serving one?
For normal loans, you can apply on the condition that you have already paid 75% of the initial loan taken.
What is the interest charged on loans?
All loans except Mkombozi loan attract an interest of 10% at flat rate while mkombozi loan attract an interest of 1% paid in a span of one month.
What are my benefits an rights as a member?
Attend general meetings and annual delegates meetings, vote and be heard in those meetings.
Elect the committees, appoint nominees, approve, reject or defer the budget, participate in the amendment of the society’s by-laws.
Enjoy all the services provided by the Sacco.
Can i transfer my shares to savings and use the money to borrow loan?
Yes a member can transfer all special investment in form of shares back to the savings and borrow loans of upto 3X the savings.
Still Have Questions?
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us anytime